
Thursday 31 July 2014

Mahindra's 112th Great Escape episode: Mud Splash in Lonavala

Spending a Saturday working especially when it’s raining outside is not a great idea. Unlike a normal Saturday which starts at 10:30AM, this one on 26th July started at 5AM. After stepping out of my house in Mumbai and with some amount of sleep still left in my eyes, I barely made it to the cab waiting to take me to Lonavala, a popular hill station located at a distance of close to 100kms away from Mumbai.
Mahindra Great Escape 3
Mahindra Great Escape 3
Rain drops dancing on the window and crunching on more kms as the hour passed, our cab reached the Mumbai Pune Express way. A late Friday evening and the driver’s smooth driving made me doze off in the car again. It was then the road to Aamby Valley which woke me up to take notice of the picturesque surroundings of Lonavala. Twisty sections, drizzling shower and dense fog wrapped locations with a chilly weather made the long drive totally feel worth it.
As we entered 19 degree North, an adventure park situated in Lonavala, the level of enthusiasm just sky rocketed with the sight in front. I have been to this place earlier and it was calm and serene back then but now It was buzzing with excitement and high spirit. The occasion was Mahindra’s 112th edition of Great Escape in Lonavala. There were Jeeps and SUVs unlike the ones we see daily. I managed to see Boleros and Commanders totally tuned for off-road driving. With raised suspensions and off-road ready Maxxis tyres, these beefed up monsters looked ready to take on muck in style.
Mahindra Great Escape 7
Mahindra Great Escape 7
Luckily, I and my colleague were allotted a Mahindra Thar. I am personally a big fan of dirty messed up Jeeps and our bottle green Thar looked exactly the part. Mahindra Thar enjoys a cult following among the off-roader’s fraternity. Launched in 2010, the Thar is the only pure bred Jeep which has the potential to crawl almost anywhere and everywhere along with offering decent levels of comfort.
Since it was an early morning start, we decided to get a quick breakfast at the venue. Vinod Nookala, Brand Manager Thar and Manish Sarser, Head off-roading initiatives at Mahindra Adventure, briefed us about the different obstacles and cautioning us about the challenges and difficulties involved. They are veterans indeed in off-roading but their level of patience while dealing with different drivers is simply fantastic. Being a newbie, I kept asking different questions regarding the ideal speed, perfect gear and right engine rpm and was sufficed with precise answers which were very helpful.
Mahindra Great Escape 4
Mahindra Great Escape 4
We drove through slushy sections with great quantities of mud wrapped around the tyres and reached obstacle number one. This one was a visually deceptive course. It was basically driving on a steep incline and reaching end point situated on a hill. It sounds easy on a normal sunny day on a normal piece of road. Rains played havoc by pouring generously and making the surface slippery thus affecting traction of our vehicles. Shifting into 4 Low mode, we drove on the incline and managed to get ourselves stuck in a ditch. After getting some tricks from Manish, we steered ourselves out and reached the final point.
The second obstacle was crossing a shallow pond. Once the vehicles were inside, driving through the pond was the challenging part as the water rose up to the bonnet level completely submersing the engine. Normally, a snorkel equipped Jeep can easily make it across but then many didn’t have one. The trick is to maintain correct engine speed sufficient to just push the water.
Mahindra Great Escape 10
Mahindra Great Escape 10
If the speed was more, the traction dropped and if the speed was less there were occasions of engine shut off. We managed to keep the engine revving to 1500 to 2500 rpm and easily drove across it. There were some instances of stalling of other vehicles coz of the water entering the engine bay.
The third obstacle was crossing a river and then to continue on a narrow section of rocks. Driving across a flowing river is tough. If the currents are heavy they can push the vehicle in any direction. Shifting it to first gear, we drove on this section carefully.
Mahindra Great Escape 1
Mahindra Great Escape 1
The last obstacle was the most interesting, challenging and grilling as it needed skills from all the earlier obstacles. In this obstacle, there was a steep decline and then a river crossing. Immediately after descending, there was a sharp left turn and then a climb. After crossing it, the vehicles had to climb a rocky terrain which had flowing water. The narrow passage of rocks made it complicated.
The final step was to make a U-turn and then climb a slushy hill. We got ourselves strapped and began driving through the complex course. No matter how carefully one decided to drive, all the vehicles managed to scrape some part or the other on the rocks because of their odd placement. We had enough knowledge from Naresh Bhosle, a veteran himself, about the ways and means to get through this course smoothly. Getting the Thar to crawl on unexplainable surfaces and finally drifting to the finishing line, we completed all the obstacles.
Mahindra Great Escape 15
Mahindra Great Escape 15
This was our first encounter with Mahindra Adventure’s Great Escape. The amazing team of trainers and experts showed great patience while explaining the intricate details which might be as simple as strapping oneself properly on the seats to the exact engine speed while coasting on a rough terrain. After a hard but joyous day in Lonavala driving a tough monster on hilly terrains, we headed back with lessons, tricks and memories of the day.
Mahindra Great Escape 6
Mahindra Great Escape 6


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