
Tuesday 22 July 2014

Indian Cars To Become Safer; Mandatory Crash Tests

In India, the motor vehicle population is growing at a faster rate than the economic and population growth. The surge in motorization coupled with expansion of the road network has brought with it the challenge of addressing adverse factors such as the increase in road accidents. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), road traffic injuries are the sixth leading cause of death in India with a greater share of hospitalization, deaths, disabilities and socio-economic losses in the young and middle-aged population. Road traffic injuries also place a huge burden on the health sector in terms of post-hospital and acute care and rehabilitation. These accidents are caused due to different reasons but the key factor is that these automobiles are unequipped to endure resistance during accidents.

This is the solution for the aforementioned problem, New Car Assessment Program (or NCAP) is a government car safety program tasked with evaluating new automobile designs for performance against various safety threats.

Chart NCAP Reviewed Indian Cars To Become Safer; Mandatory Crash Tests
The dreadful results of the crash tests held by NCAP earlier this year have finally caused a stir in the minds of the Indian car manufacturers because of the poor performance of their cars when it comes to managing a crash. Even Europe or North America-based carmakers who claim their vehicles to be crash tested and safe, are known to omit many safety features for the India models, in the interest of cost-cutting. Finally, because of this horrendous report the government has taken a stand to making safety features like ABS and Airbags mandatory for all cars along with which the new releases upcoming in India as well have to undergo routine crash tests in order to acquire clearance. The NCAP (New Car Assessment Program) have the responsibility thrust upon them to ensure these tests are performed and all criteria are met by automobile manufacturers.

Ford Figo NCAP crash test Indian Cars To Become Safer; Mandatory Crash Tests
Crash Test Results Indicating A Decent Performance By The Figo

The crash test facilities will be set up in Manesar and Pune. Where the standard crash tests will be conducted which includes the frontal crash that involves the cars to undergo a head on collision at the speeds of 60 kmph and to be analysed on how the car manages the impact. These results also set a stage for rating the cars based on their reliability and sturdiness, the NCAP will rate vehicles on a scale of 1 to 5 based on their safety aspects.

Crash Test Results Indicating A Poor Performance By The Tata nano
Automobile manufacturers have been provided time till 2017 to implement these crash safety norms at the end of the procedure. No longer are Car Companies going to produce cars without producing structural modification in the vehicle chassis and without compulsory inclusion of safety features like ABS, ESP and airbags. These additions are indeed going to make the automobiles dearer as safety always triumphs in circumstances as such.

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